Saturday, June 16, 2012

"I'm So Sick"

Something that has always plagued Holden is that he gets sick a lot.  I don’t want to jinx this, but ever since we have been in Santa Barbara, he has been sick less.  However, either way, he tends to catch more than his fair share of colds.  I believe one of the reasons is that Holden still sticks things in his mouth, including his fingers.  It is one of those things that most kids grow out of, but for some reason Holden’s disability has made him cling to this for longer than most kids.  The logical answer is probably sensory.  Our mouths are incredibly sensitive to a lot of sensory information.  In fact as I write this, Holden is fighting a cold, nothing serious, just the sniffles, but a cold none the less.  There is nothing particularly interesting about this fact, except for one thing.

Zane has managed to have another perfect year in terms of attendance.  This is the second time in a row that Zane has managed this feat, something that his teachers haven’t even accomplished.  This achievement in itself is quite a great one, but couple it with the fact that his brother is a walking cesspool of germs, it makes the achievement all the greater.  I would love to attribute his great immune system to the fact that he was breast fed, and breastfed for longer than most kids are these days, however so was Holden.  I have to take a second and say that I think that breastfeeding is a natural and beautiful act between a mother and her child, and that there is no place that this necessary act is inappropriate.  It truly amazes me that people get so bent out of shape over such a natural act.  What’s next, having to clothe our pets in public?  Okay, I digress.

I should state for the record that Zane indeed does get sick.  He does not have any super power, like being unbreakable or anything.  He just doesn’t get sick often, and usually doesn’t get very sick.  Once again, I hope I am not jinxing myself in stating this.  To his credit, Holden tends to power through most common colds too, but he does have a tendency to get some nasty bugs as well.  In fact about the only time Holden is still, is when he is sick.  It makes it all the more obvious that he is not feeling well.  I have watched him sleep for 18 hours in a day, only waking to be sick before.  

Ironically, Zane was the one who required surgery for Pyloric Stenosis at the age of 6 weeks.  I can tell you, having a baby have to have surgery, is about the worst experience a parent can have.  Having your first baby have to have a surgery, really tests new parents.  It was a horrible experience that probably deserves a whole blog dedicated to it, but suffice to say, I don’t recommend it to anyone.  Ever since he came home from the hospital from that surgery though, Zane has been one healthy kid.  I believe in rewarding achievements like that, and I have rewarded Zane both times he accomplished his perfect attendance.  He usually does pretty good with his grades too, so the end of the school year has typically been hard on the pocketbook, but well worth it.  Now if I can get him to clean his room, and not talk back, I could retire as a successful parent. . . I guess I won’t be retiring anytime soon.  

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