Friday, September 23, 2011

Can you say stomachache?

Every once in a while there are these peaceful moments where the boys are getting along, playing together, in an almost human sort of way.  Yesterday there was just one of those moments when the boys where playing on the computer in Zane's room.  This is great for me, because a) they are in the same room, and I don't have to keep checking on them in different places, and b) they are entertained, and not destroying the house, or themselves.  On this occasion, I sat down on a low seat in Zane's room, and as is often the case when I actually get a chance to sit down, I fell asleep.  Holden apparently got bored with Zane hogging the computer, and climbed up onto his brothers toy box, and jumped onto my stomach.  His feet landed just below my belly button.  I can't even begin to express how painful that was.

I grew up with two older brothers, I have been woken up in some very rude, and vulgar ways.  I also spent a good portion of my 20's on tour, where also, I had been woken in some very rude and vulgar ways.  Especial since there was only a curtain between me, and the would be prankster.  Holden topped them all! You can not imagine the shock of being completely relaxed, and having a 60 pound kid fly through the air and land on your abdomen.  I strongly suggest nobody trying this at home!

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